Detailed Data By Subgroup

Goal 2: Multiple Pathways

All students will experience personalized learning opportunities to prepare them for postsecondary education, employment, or military service.

Table 7: Percentage of Students Meeting College-Readiness Benchmarks on the SAT Suite of Assessments

Reading & Writing
Mathematics Evidence-Based
Reading & Writing
Mathematics Evidence-Based
Reading & Writing
School Division School Division School Division School Division School Division School Division
All Students -- 61.6% -- 42.0% 60.0% 59.9% 33.9% 34.2% 84.7% 83.8% 55.3% 55.5%
African American -- 35.2% -- 19.8% 43.1% 35.6% 15.4% 12.7% 73.0% 62.5% 37.4% 27.7%
Asian -- 75.8% -- 62.6% 63.0% 71.1% 34.2% 51.9% 84.1% 86.8% 65.1% 72.0%
Caucasian -- 74.2% -- 51.2% 73.6% 70.5% 49.3% 43.7% 91.3% 90.4% 65.8% 64.6%
Hispanic -- 53.9% -- 36.0% 50.0% 53.1% 25.0% 24.9% 82.4% 83.0% 43.1% 44.5%
Multiracial -- 61.2% -- 42.4% 51.4% 59.5% 24.3% 29.6% 93.9% 89.9% 61.2% 57.7%
Economically Disadvantaged -- 43.0% -- 25.8% 41.0% 42.7% 20.8% 19.8% 78.1% 67.8% 40.0% 34.7%
Students with Disabilities -- 17.4% -- 7.1% 23.9% 15.1% 6.5% 4.7% < 35.4% < 12.1%
African American Males -- 30.3% -- 18.6% 36.7% 29.5% 16.7% 11.1% 68.3% 59.4% 41.3% 28.0%
Group PSAT 8/9
Reading & Writing
School Division School Division
All Students -- 61.6% -- 42.0%
African American -- 35.2% -- 19.8%
Asian -- 75.8% -- 62.6%
Caucasian -- 74.2% -- 51.2%
Hispanic -- 53.9% -- 36.0%
Multiracial -- 61.2% -- 42.4%
Economically Disadvantaged -- 43.0% -- 25.8%
Students with Disabilities -- 17.4% -- 7.1%
African American Males -- 30.3% -- 18.6%
Reading & Writing
Mathematics Evidence-Based
Reading & Writing
School Division School Division School Division School Division
All Students 60.0% 59.9% 33.9% 34.2% 84.7% 83.8% 55.3% 55.5%
African American 43.1% 35.6% 15.4% 12.7% 73.0% 62.5% 37.4% 27.7%
Asian 63.0% 71.1% 34.2% 51.9% 84.1% 86.8% 65.1% 72.0%
Caucasian 73.6% 70.5% 49.3% 43.7% 91.3% 90.4% 65.8% 64.6%
Hispanic 50.0% 53.1% 25.0% 24.9% 82.4% 83.0% 43.1% 44.5%
Multiracial 51.4% 59.5% 24.3% 29.6% 93.9% 89.9% 61.2% 57.7%
Economically Disadvantaged 41.0% 42.7% 20.8% 19.8% 78.1% 67.8% 40.0% 34.7%
Students with Disabilities 23.9% 15.1% 6.5% 4.7% < 35.4% < 12.1%
African American Males 36.7% 29.5% 16.7% 11.1% 68.3% 59.4% 41.3% 28.0%

The SAT Suite of Assessments is only reported for students in grades 8-12. Subgroups with less than 10 students (<) are not reported.

Table 8: Percentage of Students Meeting College-Readiness Benchmarks on the ACT

Group English Mathematics Reading Science
School Division School Division School Division School Division
All Students 68.4% 74.9% 45.6% 56.0% 45.6% 60.4% 41.8% 53.8%
African American 66.7% 44.8% 41.7% 24.0% 33.3% 35.0% 29.2% 25.7%
Asian < 84.3% < 80.0% < 74.3% < 68.6%
Caucasian 72.4% 85.6% 62.1% 67.8% 62.1% 69.3% 48.3% 65.1%
Hispanic < 78.4% < 47.1% < 62.7% < 43.1%
Multiracial 63.6% 71.0% 27.3% 45.2% 36.4% 50.0% 45.5% 46.8%
Economically Disadvantaged 68.4% 51.3% 26.3% 29.3% 31.6% 37.7% 36.8% 30.4%
Students with Disabilities < 22.7% < 9.1% < 4.5% < 4.5%
African American Males 58.3% 37.3% 66.7% 23.9% 33.3% 26.9% 50.0% 26.9%

The ACT is only reported for students in grades 9-12. Subgroups with less than 10 students (<) are not reported.

Table 9: Percentage of Students Reporting They Were Provided
With Personalized Learning Opportunities

Group School Division
All Students 58.1% 73.0%
African American 50.0% 74.0%
Asian 70.3% 80.6%
Caucasian 62.9% 72.2%
Hispanic 49.0% 69.2%
Multiracial 56.5% 74.2%
African American Males 59.5% 76.1%

Survey only administered to students in grades 5, 8, and 12. Subgroups with less than 10 students (<) are not reported