Students continue to develop their reading and writing skills and engage in critical thinking across the content areas. They also build on the mathematics skills that they learned in fourth grade. In addition, fifth-grade students take the state-mandated Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments in reading, mathematics, social studies and science.
At the discretion of their parents and guardians, fifth-grade students may also participate in Family Life Education (FLE), a state-endorsed program that includes age-appropriate instruction in family living and community relationships as well as how to cope with peer pressure and the stresses of modern living. Learn More
This is also the year that students work with their school counselor to create their academic and career plan (ACP) to help guide course and program selections throughout their middle and high school years. Learn More
Your child will continue to be introduced to a wide variety of reading materials that will help develop her reading, writing, communication and research skills. She will receive instruction in phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency and writing.
By the end of fifth-grade, your child should be able to do the following (but is not limited to):
Tips provided courtesy of NBC News Parent Toolkit
Your child will continue to build upon the math skills he learned in fourth grade as he develops a deeper understanding of rational numbers and solves real world problems involving fractions and decimals. He will also build skills that will help him prepare for more advanced mathematical concepts introduced in middle school.
By the end of fifth grade, your child should be able to do the following (but is not limited to):
Tips provided courtesy of NBC News Parent Toolkit
Your child will continue to apply the skills of a scientist to the study of topics related to physical, life and Earth sciences including matter; force, motion and energy; electricity; sound; light; characteristics of organisms and cells; as well as the life processes of plants. She will engage in the inquiry process and strengthen her skills related to organizing, analyzing and applying data.
Social Studies
Your child will learn the rich history of the Commonwealth of Virginia. He will study the physical geography of Virginia and the history of our state from the early settlements to the modern era.